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Events /

The Horse Fair

The ‘Horse Fair’ in Lutowiska is a 2-day event looking to the times when Lutowiska was located almost in the centre of Poland. It was in Lutowiska where the trade routers from Sanok to Siedmiogród and from Przemyśl to Przełęcz Użocka crossed.

Such a perfect location allowed Lutowiska to gain a town charter. Next, in 1742 king August III granted in a right to hold 10 fairs a year (in comparison Sanok and Lesko had rights to 2 such fairs). These were the beginnings of the ‘ Horse Fair’ which leter became famous all over Europe.

Every year, as the opening ceremony, there is a horse parade through the streets of Lutowiska and the show of drills performed by young people from the Youth Centre WDK in Rzeszów. In the programme there are always many attractions, not only for horse lovers. There are horse riding shows and traditional blacksmith presentations, manual skill competitions for children, teenagers as well as adults and horse auction. Moreover, many workshops, craft exhibitions, local product expositions and a dance party for adults are organized.